Biases can be described as a personal prejudice for or against a person, group or situation, especially in a way that is considered to be unfair. Because of the way in which we may have been informed of certain situations, we can often apply certain characteristics and assessments just by how we look at someone…
Read More5 Tips to Best Mental Health & How it Affects Your Learning
According to a report by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), one third of all students are experiencing “extremely severe levels of anxiety” and have had a formal diagnosis of a mental health difficulty at some point in their lives. The largest quantity of students (28%) stated their mental health difficulties often affected their…
Read More5 Tips for Creating a Productive Study Space
Where you study can subconsciously influence your study patterns and can either encourage or impede your maximum academic potential. With our busy lifestyles, it is important to have an area or space that is designated for study and productivity. A space that is unique to you and your own study habits. For many people, the…
Read More3 Things to Help You Choose your Ideal College Course
Your final years at school can be overwhelmingly daunting to everyone, no matter what anyone may tell you! The stress of impending exams, studying, parents and teachers constantly in your ear… all of this does not help the fact that you are also faced with a big decision regarding your future. Whenever you meet someone…
Read More4 Things You Need to Know About The Reality of College Life
Many students have a certain perception of college before ever setting foot in one. A ‘college bias’ – positive, negative or neutral – take your pick? It is the chapter of your life that practically every student looks forward to. New beginnings, new opportunities to make friends, living your social life to the fullest and…
Read More5 Benefits of Having Diversity in Everything You Do
Diversity means that people in the world we live in come from all over the world and we are all different. As humans, we are all individually different because of where we grow up, our gender, our race, as well as our age. Diversity also involves inclusion. The difference between diversity and inclusion is that…
Read More3 Ways to Improve Communication with Teachers
It is a proven fact that effective communication between teachers and students has the potential to improve the learning experience and create a positive environment in the classroom. However, the relationship requires work on both ends. Communication barriers in the classroom are very common and are a leading problem to students not getting the most…
Read More8 Tips to Help You Prepare for a Difficult Conversation
Firstly, let’s look at what is a difficult conversation? A difficult conversation is a topic that nobody wants to talk about, such as having to tell a neighbour that they are being too noisy, and you want them to be more respectful; or having to tell a friend that they have body odour and should…
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