Where to from here?
Entering the final cycle of your child’s second-level education can be a difficult and stressful time for many families. The Pathway report provides parents and students a conduit for communication with course and career options for discussion. Also, we have compiled some information on how parents can better cope with the stresses that come with the final years of school.
3rd Level Students
Approaching the end of a college degree can bring with it an array of decisions – you literally have the world as your oyster! Perhaps you are considering continuing your studies and applying for a Masters program or a PhD. Take the Pathway career survey to help you make informed decisions and provide you with the validation and/or direction as to what path you should pursue next.
2nd Level Students
Whether you are deciding on what subjects to study for the senior cycle of your post-primary education, analysing your college course options, or applying for your chosen courses in your preferred colleges as you prepare to transition from school to the world of further study and work; take the Pathway survey to identify what you are most passionate about and how you can turn your passions into a future career.
Career Guidance Counsellors
Your job as a Career Guidance Counsellor can be challenging at times. Some students know exactly what they want, others need a bit more direction. Pathway acts as a catalyst for conversations and provides a starting point for discussion around your student’s career options. Find out how your school can avail of Pathway here.
Corporate Entities
Pathway provides companies, both small and large in size, with the opportunity to have a significant long-term and positive impact on the community and in society by engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Find out how you can get involved here.